

I mentioned in my first post that my recent painting spree began a few years ago when my son received a set of acrylic paints and some canvases and brushes for his bar mitzvah. He generously let me use them. This is my first ever painting with acrylic paint. It is a vase of roses from my garden. I painted them from the photograph. I hope that my technique has improved since this early attempt. The rose petal color should have been much more blended. I still have the rose bush so I will give it another shot soon.


I see now that I have juxtaposed the pictures that my first mistake was to try to copy a square picture onto an oblong canvas, which caused my roses to become elliptical. I also knew too much about what I was painting, so painted the book, not the shape it was in the photograph, but at a slightly different perspective so that I could show off what was on the front.


I am cringing as I look at the leaves – I must have gotten tired, because they look like cartoon leaves, not at all like the photo.


I did not even notice or appreciate the play of light and shadow. By the end od the painting I put shadow away from the window without even checking the photograph.


I knew less about the power of white back then and more-or-less lived with the mistakes as I made them. Later pictures have been painted over so many times that it’s ludicrous.


Aaak… what a terrible picture!



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